
Working for strong schools, safe streets and smart development in my local community as well as the state of Maryland and America. Supporting legislation that can transform the lives of marginalized communities (black/brown people girls/women disabled/elderly). I believe that one person can make a difference!

Thursday, October 02, 2014

2014 General Election Season

Recently, I had an interesting conversation with a client he informed me that he had four (4) fantasy football teams that he manages from his CELLPHONE!  Later, during this same conversation, I asked him who represents him in the Maryland General Assembly and the U.S. Congress and he had no idea. Since this is election season 2014 I was amazed that he and I could not discuss politics as easily as football.  In that spirit, I decided to try and organize a fantasy team comprised of informed Maryland voters.  I hope you consider joining my team, it is comprised of registered, informed, committed to voting residents. To get prepared you need to first visit the Maryland Board of Elections website:
If you are not registered to vote in Maryland you have until October 14, 2014 to register.
Everything you need to know about the election and voting will be found on this website and it is OFFICIAL and NONPARTISAN.
On the November 14, 2014 ballot, not only will we be voting for candidates, we will be voting on questions. There are two Constitutional Amendments that will appear statewide and some counties will have local ballot questions that will appear on November 4, 2014 general election ballots. The Secretary of State is responsible for preparing and certifying the statewide ballot question language. It is posted on the Maryland Board of Elections website. The local ballot question language submitted by the local County Attorneys, are also posted on the Maryland Board of Elections website.
I will briefly discuss the statewide ballot questions and the Prince George’s County ballot questions. When voting on local county questions the MOST CONTROVERSIAL BALLOT QUESTIONS ARE USUSALLY AT THE END. READ TO THE END OF THE BALLOT.

Statewide Question 1:Transportation Trust Fund –transfer of funds
Summary: Prohibits the transfer of funds out of the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) to the General Fund or a special fund of the State except under certain circumstances. 
Statewide Question 2: Filling a County Executive Vacancy by Election
Summary: To Amend the State Constitution to allow the County Councils of the nine Charter Counties to fill a vacancy in that office by a special primary and general election of the voters rather than by appointment
Unnumbered Statewide Question: Retention of Judge Kevin Arthur for continuation in office
 Unnumbered Statewide Question: Retention of Judge Andrea Leahy for continuation in office
Summary: Both judges were appointed to the Maryland Court of Special Appeals, pursuant to Maryland law, the voters are given the opportunity to vote whether or not the judges should be retained for a full term. Judges are also placed on the ballot at the end of their terms so that voters may determine if they should remain on the bench.
Prince George’s County
Question A (CB-44-2014) Public Safety Facilities Bonds
Summary:  Enabling the County to borrow money and issue bonds up to $240,839.000 for Public Safety Facilities (including Fire/EMS)
Question B (CB-45-2014) Library Facilities Bonds
Summary:  Enabling the County to borrow money and issue bonds up to     $32,243,000 for Library Facilities
Question C (CB-46-2014) Community College Facilities Bonds
Summary:  Enabling the County to borrow money and issue bonds up to $93,617.000 for Community College Facilities
Question D (CB-47-2014) County Buildings Bonds
Summary:  Enabling the County to borrow money and issue bonds up to $238,182.000 for County Buildings

Question E (CB-48-2014) Public Works and Transportation Facilities Bonds
Summary:  Enabling the County to borrow money and issue bonds up to     $122,385,000 for Public Works and Transportation Facilities
Summary: To clarify that general obligation bonds shall be in serial/or term form
Summary: In the event of a vacancy in the County Executive seat allow the Chief Administrative Officer to become the Acting County Executive
Summary: To designate one or more newspapers of record; to designate two or more primary sources of electronic media publication and transmission of official County notices
Summary: To include disability and sexual orientation as additional bases of prohibited discrimination in the County personnel system.
Summary: To increase the number of consecutive terms that a person may serve on the County Council or as County Executive from two terms to three terms.
I am convinced that knowledge and understanding provide one with the wisdom needed to vote. Perhaps someone will even be inspired to create an application for our telephones so that we can keep up with our local, state and federal elected officials and all of the legislation that they generate with a few swipes on the phone. Please don’t sit this season out. VOTE NOVEMBER 4, 2014.