
Working for strong schools, safe streets and smart development in my local community as well as the state of Maryland and America. Supporting legislation that can transform the lives of marginalized communities (black/brown people girls/women disabled/elderly). I believe that one person can make a difference!

Friday, March 02, 2007


Maryland can repeal the death penalty if you speak out, elected officials have to know that this issue is important to you see below for how to do this:

Steps to writing your Delegate or Senator:
1. Put your name and address at the top of the letter
2. Address your letter to the proper Delegate or Senator (if you do not know who represents you go to )
3. Introduce yourself and state that you are writing to express your support for repeal of the death penalty.
4. Share some of the reasons why you support repeal. Some suggested reasons are;· Death sentences cost more than life without parole· Risks executing innocent people· Doesn’t offer victims true closure or healing· Is not an effective deterrent to crime· Is administered in a racially and economically biased manner· Life is sacred
5. Ask your Delegate or Senator to support repeal legislation, bill number HB 225 (House) or SB 211 (Senate).
6. Ask that your Delegate or Senator contact you regarding their position on the issue.
7. Sign your name Citizen Jane123 River View Dr.Maryland City, MD 20548 SEE EXAMPLE BELOW:

Dear Delegate So and So:

As a constituent of the Xth Legislative District, I write to express to you my support for repeal of the death penalty in Maryland. I believe Maryland has an historic opportunity this session to pass repeal legislation and move the debate on to more effective measures of crime prevention.I am opposed to the death penalty because it doesn’t serve as an effective deterrent to crime, it doesn’t offer true healing and closure to victims families and it costs more than a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

For these and other reasons, I ask that you support death penalty repeal legislation (HR. 255 Del. Rosenberg is the primary sponsor.) I look forward to hearing from you regarding this letter. I can be reached at the above address.

Your Name--

There is also a link to a poll survey in the Annapolis Gazette for Marylanders in support/or not in support of repeal of the Death Penalty. It's an up/down yes or no survey question that we currently need more votes on in favor.