2011 Fall DNC Meeting - Chicago
We arrived in Chicago after the President's incredible speech Thursday night, then we were able to visit the 2012 Campaign Headquarters in the morning. All of the meetings and caucuses and councils were packed with information from the DNC, the Campaign and the Convention. A highlight was Charlotte's wonderful reception Friday night. At Saturday morning's General Meeting Chair, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz' remarks brought everyone to their feet and Senator Richard Durbin's outstanding speech reminded us of the Democratic party's perseverence, Iris Martinez' welcome gave witness to our Party's diversity and its future, and then we also looked back to honor the past with a Tribute to Chuck Manatt. Finally we were briefed by Jim Messina and the polling data at the Member's only lunch, it was amazing.
I think we are all invigorated, informed, ready to pass the American Jobs Act, and truly fired up and ready to go! I want to be sure you know about the new Web Site: www.Americanjobsact.com . It has a wealth of information, the full plan, special sections for several constituencies -- and more to come. I trust this will be helpful as we fight for jobs for the American people. The President asks us to contact our elected officials, Democrats and Republicans, both in Congress and in our states, to talk with our friends and neighbors and co-workers and tell them to contact their officials, and to help him build support for the Jobs Plan.
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